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May 31, 2024

Students at Sekolah Harapan Bangsa Celebrate Eucharist with Joyful Voices

Students at Sekolah Harapan Bangsa recently gathered at Gereja Santo Barnabas to celebrate the Eucharist on the Fifth Sunday of Easter, infusing the sacred space with […]
May 15, 2024

Halalbihalal at Sekolah Harapan Bangsa Modernhill

Students from Sekolah Harapan Bangsa (SHB) embarked on an unforgettable journey as they visited Kubah Mas Mosque, a magnificent Islamic architectural landmark in Depok, Indonesia. This […]
March 26, 2024

Exploring Culture and History Through the Educational Trip of SMP Harapan Bangsa

On January 30, 2024, students of SMP Harapan Bangsa embarked on an unforgettable educational journey through a vibrant edutrip. With the main objective of broadening their […]
March 13, 2024

Parents’ Appreciation Day

Where would we be without our parents, the people who loved us even before we were born? They do so much for us every day in […]